
How To Take Serrapeptase For Fertility

What is Serrapeptase?

Silkworms produce a chemic known equally serrapeptase (10). This chemical has been used as a drug for diverse ailments in numerous parts of the world, specially Japan and Europe (ten). As a consequence, many nutritionists and nutrient experts presently allocate serrapeptase as a dietary supplement.

Serrapeptase is used to treat or minimize the symptoms of a wide range of medical conditions, including back pain, fibromyalgia, migraines and carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people utilise the chemical compound to treat middle weather condition, including atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries (ten).

Some women use serrapeptase to minimize the symptoms associated with not-cancerous lumpy breasts and breast engorgement (x). It is too used to mitigate the symptoms of diabetes, asthma, emphysema or accumulation of pus in body tissues. Serrapeptase works by breaking down diverse proteins in the trunk, which may decrease inflammation, pain and aggregating of mucus.

Benefits of Serrapeptase

Minimizes Inflammation

Cellular debris or dead cells tin can overstimulate the immune system and cause inflammation. Serrapeptase plays an essential role in breaking downwardly the cellular debris and helps to drain fluids and other substances from the inflamed site. In addition, it causes toxins that may render inflammation every bit inactive (x).

During an injury, the body produces loftier amounts of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that contributes to inflammation after injury or infection (x). Therefore, serrapeptase tin can minimize swelling caused by a wide range of health conditions, including trauma, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and lung inflammation. The chemical compound decreases inflammation caused by injuries, surgery and other health atmospheric condition.

Hurting Relief

Serrapeptase may provide pain relief for postoperative patients. It can significantly reduce pain associated with inflammatory venous affliction, cramps and injuries (x). The pain relief compound is highly effective in reducing pain in localized areas of the trunk, including the nose, ears and throat.

Minimizes Mucus Secretion

Serrapeptase helps to reduce the density of bodily secretions, including mucus. Therefore, information technology speeds upwardly tissue repair past supporting the removal of excretions. Information technology can improve mucus clearance and decrease phlegm, saliva and cough frequency (x).

The silkworm chemical compound also reduces the corporeality of neutrophils in sputum (ten). Neutrophils are standard features in the secretions produced with lung infections. The more than the body produces neutrophils, the college the inflammation and the thicker the sputum.

Serrapeptase is highly efficient in dissolving and removing fungus and phlegm, and so it may exist incredibly useful, especially to people with blockages of the nose and lung infections.

Eliminates Blood Clots and Plaque

A significant benefit is its ability to break down blood-clotting molecules in dead tissues without harming the surrounding tissues. Therefore, it finer removes claret clots and plaque, so that antibody treatment can penetrate tissues to ensure faster healing.

Biofilms that grow on mucosa and other tissues tin can crusade infections (x). The biofilms are usually made of fibrins, which tin be broken downwards past serrapeptase. Fibrins also comprise scar tissue that tin can exist not but painful, but likewise unsightly. Serrapeptase can target fibrins and reduce excessive scarring (x).

Minimize the Symptoms of Alzheimer's Illness

Research indicates that serrapeptase may accept the potential to increase chemic agents that protect brain cells. In improver, the silkworm enzyme tin significantly reduce the activities of inflammatory markers common with patients with Alzheimer's illness.

Minimize the Likelihood of Stroke

Serrapeptase tin can dissolve dead tissue cells without compromising healthy tissues. Therefore, it tin can remove fat, cholesterol and waste product deposits that accumulate in the arteries. Removing these deposits may lower the risk of strokes and atherosclerosis.

Decreases Breast Engorgement

Breast engorgement is the overfilling of the breasts with milk (x). This condition can be quite painful. Serrapeptase can improve breast engorgement and minimize breast swelling and hardness (x). Notwithstanding, it is essential for breastfeeding mothers to consult a dr. earlier taking serrapeptase to reduce breast engorgement.

Decreases Inflammation of Veins

Serrapeptase tin significantly improve the symptoms of superficial thrombophlebitis (ten), which causes pain and inflammation in the veins as a result of blood clots. Handling with the silkworm enzyme can subtract thrombophlebitis symptoms such as skin patches, inflammation and hurting.

Serrapeptase can besides decrease dental implant inflammation (x). Patients who take received the treatment are more probable to heal faster and experience fewer dental implant failures than patients who have received placebos (x).

Improves Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Serrapeptase has the potential to amend carpal tunnel syndrome (10). Notwithstanding, more studies need to exist undertaken to determine the exact effects of its treatment on carpal tunnel syndrome.

May Better Fertility

Serrapeptase, when used in combination with other treatments, including antibiotics, may offer the potential to increase sperm count in men with reproductive organ infections (x). Experts believe the ability of serrapeptase to ameliorate fertility in combination with antibiotics is partly due to the fact that the silkworm enzyme enhances the efficiency of antibiotics (x).

Benefits of Serrapeptase

Side Effects of Serrapeptase

A common issue of serrapeptase is the breakdown of proteins in mucus (ten), which makes it easier for you to breathe, particularly if you accept a common cold. In addition, it tin can thin out blood that accumulates around injured sites in the body, making it easier for fluids to drain and prevent inflammation.

The fluid-thinning furnishings of serrapeptase are not always beneficial. Be careful about combining it with blood thinners and other medications that thin bodily fluids. It interacts with many medications and supplements, including fish oil, aspirin, warfarin and clopidogrel (x). Like serrapeptase, fish oil is a mild blood thinner. When used in combination, serrapeptase and fish oil tin can make your blood excessively thin.

Aspirin has stronger claret-thinning properties than serrapeptase (x). Therefore, avoid mixing the two altogether. In general, avoid using serrapeptase with blood thing products. Thin blood may have problem clotting and may crusade uncontrolled haemorrhage. In addition, mixing serrapeptase with other blood-thinning agents may prompt spontaneous bruising and bleeding, particularly through the olfactory organ.

Potential Uses

Researchers believe serrapeptase may be benign in the treatment of various other health complications, including cancer, fibroids and Bartholin cysts (x). All the same, further research should be done to validate the effectiveness of serrapeptase treatment on these atmospheric condition.


Serrapeptase can prevent the production of biofilm, which is a coating that protects bacteria from antibiotics (x). Therefore, the silkworm enzyme can heighten the activeness of various antibiotics, including ampicillin, cefotiam, minocycline and cyclacillin (x). The enzyme may provide a more efficient treatment when combined with magnesium or zinc.

Limitations and Caveats

Although serrapeptase has wide-ranging applications equally a supplement and drug, there is limited research to show its effectiveness as medication for hurting relief and inflammation (10). In add-on, at that place is insufficient scientific data on the side furnishings and long term safety of the supplement.

Serrapeptase vs. Nattokinase

Many types of proteins cutting enzymes, including serrapeptase and nattokinase. Both enzymes are perchance constructive in improving the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and inflammatory molecules. Notwithstanding, enquiry (x) indicates serrapeptase is more efficient in breaking down amyloidal plaques. When used in combination, serrapeptase and nattokinase may break down biofilms produced by infection-causing microorganisms.

Serrapeptase and Fertility

Hurting inflammation and scar tissues are some of the most mutual problems experienced by women with reproductive health bug. Some of the leading causes of infertility among women include endometriosis, uterine fibroids and Asherman's syndrome (x).

Many of the drugs and procedures recommended for the treatment of infertility in women are not as effective and often produce harmful side furnishings — so many that women seek culling treatments, including enzyme therapy. Serrapeptase is one of the leading treatments used in enzyme therapy (x).

Enzyme Therapy for Fertility

Serrapeptase has the potential to care for reproductive health problems in women. It breaks downward proteins and helps rid the trunk of excess proteins circulating in the bloodstream. Excess proteins ofttimes accumulate in sites of inflammation and injuries within the trunk. Injuries and inflammation reverberate some of the leading causes of reproductive wellness problems in women (x).

Studies indicate serrapeptase tin can pause down non-living tissues such every bit blood clots, cysts and scars in the uterus and breasts (ten). Patients with breast engorgement often experience improvement after undergoing serrapeptase treatments. Yet, the effectiveness of serrapeptase equally a fertility treatment can only be established through further research.


The assimilation of serrapeptase through the alimentary canal may be afflicted past various factors, including molecular weight, hydrophilicity, chemical instability and metabolism of enzymes in the GI tract.

Some serrapeptase products characteristic a blanket that protects them from degradation once they enter the GI tract. Such products are the recommended formulations. The good for you dosage of serrapeptase is no more than 60 milligrams per day (ten). However, consult a health professional in case y'all intend to use information technology for more than four weeks. Consider taking the supplement at least ii hours after meals.

Pregnancy / Lactation

At that place is little information regarding the safety of serrapeptase use during pregnancy or lactation. Therefore, pregnant and lactating mothers should avoid using serrapeptase altogether. In addition, refrain from using the product if you have a history of bleeding disorders or if you are scheduled for surgery in less than two weeks.

The Bottom Line

The silkworm produces serrapeptase equally an enzyme (x). Serrapeptase has been used in many countries to treat a wide range of medical weather condition, including fertility, pain, inflammation, common cold, chest engorgement and stroke, among others (x). Although it shows great potential every bit a dietary supplement, additional research should be undertaken to decide its uses and effectiveness.


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